Hello my friends and soon-to-be friends!
I’m Zeynep, a multidisciplinary designer and artist currently based in New York.
As a traditionally trained artist, my approach to graphic design is a blend of historical
information and modern problem solving to create pieces that evoke emotions and memories.
I am a flexible visual maker that isn’t afraid to dabble in any medium; animation, painting, digital illustration, film/video - you name it, I’ll do it! But my strongest suit is my curiosity and dedication to research prior to starting any project. I’m a vigorous learner, I love facts and every single day I find out something new about the world.
So if we end up working together, not only will I go above and beyond in terms of design,
know that I will bring victory to the team in trivia bar nights.
Oh, and please say hello back at zeynep@zeynep-gungor.com. Cheers!